Category Archives: Moving Tips

10 Things To Do After Moving Into Your New Home

Moving can be exhausting physically and mentally. Unfortunately, getting your belongings into your new home is not the end. Before you can fully settle in and enjoy your new space, there are a few important things to check off your post-move to-do list. These steps will help set you up for success, get comfortable, and turn a house into your home.

Clean and Sanitize

Even if your new home appears clean, it’s always a good idea to deep clean it before fully unpacking. If you can do this before you move in, that’s even better. Wipe down surfaces, sanitize bathrooms and kitchens, and vacuum or mop the floors. If you’re short on time, consider hiring a professional cleaning service.

Inspect Your Belongings

Before unpacking everything, take a moment to check your home and furniture for any damage that may have occurred during the move. If you notice anything damaged, report it to your moving company as soon as possible. If you can do a walk-through with your movers before they leave, that is ideal.

Unpack the Essentials First

Start with the items you’ll need immediately, such as toiletries, basic kitchen supplies, bedding, and clothes. Once you have your essentials and other daily items, reverse the packing process: work box-by-box, room-by-room.


For peace of mind, setting up your security measures promptly is a good idea. You may also want to replace all exterior door locks or rekey them. You never know who might still have a copy of the original keys. Changing the locks and setting up cameras or lights can ensure your family’s safety and security in your new space.

Set Up Utilities and Service

Confirm that all essential utilities, such as electricity, water, gas, internet, and garbage collection, are up and running. If anything is missing, call the service providers to set up or transfer accounts. Having utilities fully functional is crucial for a smooth transition.

Locate Important Shut-Offs

Familiarize yourself with your home’s main water shut-off valve, gas shut-off, and circuit breaker box. In case of an emergency, knowing where these are located will save you time and prevent further damage.

Child-Proof or Pet-Proof If Needed

If you have young children or pets, ensure the environment is safe. Put up any necessary gates or barriers and find and remove any potential hazards. If necessary, baby-proof any drawers, doors, or outlets and secure furniture to walls.

Update Your Address

Ensure you update your address with the post office, banks, credit card companies, subscription services, and other important contacts. Don’t forget to notify your employer, healthcare providers, and insurance companies as well.

Set Up a Home Maintenance Schedule

Find out the maintenance history and create a schedule to keep your home in good shape and prevent costly repairs. Maintaining things like the HVAC system, air and water filters, and appliances is important. It is also recommended to check the settings on your HVAC and water heater to ensure they are correct for your family.

Make the House Your Home

Finally, make your house feel like home by adding personal touches. Hang pictures, rearrange furniture, and decorate. The sooner you put your stamp on your space, the more comfortable it will feel.

Final Thoughts

Moving into a new home is an exciting adventure but also a process that takes time. By performing these 10 tasks, you can assist in a smooth transition and get you ready for this next chapter of your life. Take it one task at a time; before you know it, your new house will truly feel like home.

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downsizing for retirement

Downsizing for Retirement

Downsizing usually goes hand-in-hand with a big life change, such as retirement. A downsize around retirement may have a few differences from other downsizes. (See our blog post on “Major Challenges of Downsizing” for tips on how to overcome common obstacles when downsizing.)

Here are things that retirees have overlooked in the past that you should keep in mind while going through your downsizing process and dwindling down what you own.


When people downsize houses, typically their property gets smaller too. Be sure to go through all your yard equipment and get rid of anything that will not be used at your new property.

Tools quickly become obsolete, whether they were bought specifically for a prior project or because your new property has a different type of landscape. You may even hire someone to do the yard work for you at your new home. So, if you don’t foresee doing yard projects yourself and needing certain tools, then it may be time to purge some equipment.


When retirees downsize, many of them think they will still be hosting the same way they did at their old house. Maybe you will still host Thanksgiving and other special occasions but remember that your home is smaller. You shouldn’t need more table settings, seating, and serving dishes than your house can even hold. Think about the last time you used something and if you will still need it in the future. Consider the frequency and size of events you will host in your new home before you move.


Another significant factor of downsizing is where you are going. A number of retirees move out of state, and some move to an entirely different climate. (See our blog post on “Tips for Long-Distance Moves.”) Certain belongings may not be helpful in your new state. Things like winter clothes, heaters, and snow shovels/blowers may be unnecessary if you are moving to a place with a warmer climate.

Preparing for Downsizing in Retirement

If the process of downsizing for retirement feels overwhelming, then consider hiring professionals. There are downsizing companies that will walk you through everything and can help sort, sell, and pack your belongings.

As always, Top Noth Moving is happy to help. We can provide packing, transportation, and storage solutions tailored to your needs.

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downsizing challenges

Major Challenges of Downsizing

Downsizing comes with many challenges. But they are necessary to overcome so you can fit into your new, smaller home comfortably.

Here are some of the biggest obstacles you need to be aware of when downsizing.

Allowing Enough Time

One of the biggest downsizing challenges is allowing enough time. Even before you move, the process of downsizing includes sorting your belongings. You’ll have to decide what to keep, donate, sell, and discard. Of course, this takes a lot of time. So, begin as soon as you decide to move.

You need time not only to go through everything but also time for to find a new home for everything you are not keeping. This is one of the biggest challenges for the average downsizer. People usually plan to finish sorting their belongings right before the move. They often fail to allow enough time for things to sell or for people to come and pick up what they are giving away.

On top of that, if you must be out of the house by a specific date, you then have to pay for these items to be moved if you can’t leave them behind. At Top Notch Moving, we have even been paid to move things customers are donating or throwing out because they didn’t have time to run the errand.

So, start early and break the process into manageable tasks. For example, declutter one room or category at a time. If needed, ask a family member or a professional for help.

Getting Rid of Items with Monetary Value

Some people might believe that the only obstacle to downsizing is time. But this misconstruction can lead to having too much in the “keep” pile and not enough actual downsizing.

One reason that people have an unnecessarily large “keep” pile is that they’re attached to items because of how much they paid for them. It is justified to think, “I’ve spent good money on this; I’m not getting rid of it.”

However, you should think, “Do I really need/use it? And do I have a place for it in the new house?” If the answer is no, then you should strongly consider letting it go, since the item has served its purpose.

You could try to sell it to recoup some of your money, but the hurdle becomes even more prominent if the item doesn’t sell. Just because an item doesn’t sell doesn’t change your need for it or the space you will have available for it.

Rather than paying the movers to move something you don’t need or have room for, attempt to give it away. If it’s still unclaimed, then maybe you should discard the item. It may seem wasteful. But if you move it for no purpose other than its value, then it is even more wasteful since it will cost you money to move and will continue to depreciate.

Getting Rid of Items with Sentimental Value

Another reason that people have an unnecessarily large “keep” pile is that they’re attached to items because of their sentimental value. Yet, there are moments when it’s necessary to keep only the most meaningful items.

For the sentimental items you will have to get rid of, consider taking photos to preserve the memories without the bulkiness of the item. Fortunately, things like old photos and videotapes can all be converted to digital to reduce the physical clutter.

Furniture with memories can be hard to part with. But whether it has been passed down for generations or hand-built by a parent, it has served its purpose in most cases. It is okay to get rid of these things to make room for new items and new memories.

Limiting Yourself to the New Home Space

When people are downsizing, they must adjust to the limited space of the smaller home. This can be challenging, especially if they’ve been used to living in a larger house for decades.

The key to decluttering and making the best choices for your “keep” pile is to think, “Where will I put that in the new place?” Drawing a floor plan can help, even if it’s not to an exact scale. It will assist with selecting furniture and will provide an idea of floor space to ensure sufficient room to walk around after move day.

To make the most of the limited new space, consider multi-functional furniture like ottomans or tables with built-in storage. Also, use vertical storage solutions such as shelves, hooks, and hanging organizers.

Your smaller home comes not only with less storage space, but also with less surface areas to decorate. So, the amount of decorations and seasonal items you will need for your new home has decreased and should be downsized.

Another way to save on space is to get rid of replaceable things. Here are some examples to get you thinking:

  • DVDs that you can now stream
  • Documents or instructional manuals you could get on the Internet
  • Books that you could borrow at the library if the urge to reread them strikes

One more thing to remember is that you will most likely have a smaller kitchen. Don’t make the common mistake of bringing everything, thinking it will fit into a place with fewer cabinets and drawers.

Overcoming Downsizing Challenges

If the process feels overwhelming and you’re having trouble overcoming these downsizing challenges, consider hiring professionals. There are downsizing companies that will walk you through everything and can help sort, sell, and pack your belongings.

As always, Top Notch Moving is happy to help. We can provide packing, transportation, and storage solutions tailored to your needs.

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moving estimate

How to Prepare for a Moving Estimate

Meeting with a moving company and getting an accurate moving estimate is one of the best ways to start your journey confidently. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for a moving estimate ensures you’ll get the most out of it and the most accurate figure. Here’s a guide to help you make the most of your moving estimate experience.

Before Scheduling a Moving Estimate

While every move and timeline is different, it is recommended that you prepare for the estimate first. The amount of preparation you do before the estimate will significantly increase the accuracy. However, if you aren’t sure of your plan yet, you can get multiple estimates written for various scenarios.

To be prepared for your estimate, follow these best practices:


Go through each room and sort items into categories like “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” or “Discard.” This will make the process less complicated. It also ensures that the estimator only includes items you truly plan to move.

Make Selections

After decluttering, you should know what you are taking with you. Note things that “Go” and “Stay” or other options like “Storage” or “Owner Will Take.”

Make a Plan

Now that you’ve figured out what will be moved, figure out when you will move. Get the date of when you’ll be ready or need to move by. (If you need to move soon, call and ensure the move date is available before scheduling an estimate). Also, determine if you need any packing services or storage choices. If you are unsure, you can ask for options during the estimate.

Come Up with Questions

A lot will be on your mind, so writing down any questions beforehand will help you remember them all. Of course, you can always call with more questions after the estimate.

Scheduling a Moving Estimate

An estimate typically takes 30 minutes, but you should allow for at least an hour. The duration depends on the home’s size, the items’ complexity, and the move itself.

Estimates can be typically booked two days in advance during the slow season. However, during the summer, in the busy season, you should schedule an estimate at least a week in advance.

You should book the estimate as soon as you are ready. This will allow you as much time as possible to get other estimates and lock in your date sooner.

Moving companies typically have a few estimate options:

  • In-Person
    In-person estimates are the preferred method and are the most accurate. They lead to a more thorough job, and you get a better feel for the company.
  • Virtual
    Most companies will offer a virtual estimate if requested. It is best for situations in which the client has a compromised immune system or is located far away.
  • Revisit
    Some companies offer revisits. They may want to come out again if they visited many, many months ago, or if your plan changed, and now it includes significantly more or significantly fewer items. If things have changed, call to see if they would like to revisit to be sure your job is handled correctly and with no surprises.

During the Moving Estimate

At the estimate, you will provide a tour of your home and point out everything that needs to be moved. The estimator will walk with you and take notes on the items you’re moving, any special requirements, and any potentially challenging areas.

Here is what should happen during the estimate:

Give Tour

Mention all belongings and where they are going, i.e., “Go,” “Stay,” “Storage,” etc.

Give Additional Information

Point out fragile or high-value items, like artwork or antiques, as these may need special handling or preparation. If there is a weak point on an item or anything they should know that may help keep an item safe, be sure to inform them.

Advise about Properties

Apprise the estimator of the current property and the new one. Detail the access, such as stairs, elevators, parking, long walks, or tight hallways, as these may impact the time and therefore cost. All insight can help prepare the movers and assist with the move.

Discuss Logistics and Scheduling

Confirm the plan with the estimator during this time. If your move involves multiple days or multiple pick-up and drop-off points, make sure to settle these details. Discuss your move date(s) and figure out any logistics that may be involved.

Ask Questions

Now is the time to ask all the questions that you may have. Be sure to get insight into how to best prepare for your move and pack, if applicable. Also, now is the time to get to know the moving company. Ask probing questions to get a feel for the moving company before you set off on this journey with them.

Understand the Quote

Typically, the estimator will write the estimate right there on the spot and explain the breakdown. It would help if you asked questions to understand how they got to that number and ensure there won’t be any surprises when you get the actual invoice.

Use this opportunity to understand what’s included in the estimate and ask about anything you’re unsure of, like cancellation policies, if there might be any additional fees, whether a deposit is needed, etc.

It is important to know that most estimates are non-binding and are subject to change based on the rate. You can talk with the estimators if there is a budgetary concern, as some will work with you. However, with moving, a job’s difficulty is reflective of your preparation, especially when the owner packs. So, typical estimates are non-binding to protect the moving company from situations in which more work was caused by a lack of prep that was out of their control.

After the Moving Estimate

Consider Getting More Moving Estimates

If you are not set on using a particular company, then getting multiple estimates is a good idea. This is the best way not only to compare pricing but also to get a feel for the company and the work they do.

Compare Moving Estimates

If you get multiple estimates, it’s essential to look at not just the price but also the quality you will receive for that price. Saving a few bucks may not be worth it if your belongings are lost or damaged. On top of that, the cheaper moving companies tend to be the hard ones to work with. So, be wary if one moving company is way cheaper than the others; this may be a red flag. Check reviews and ask around to ensure you get a reliable and thorough moving company.

Confirm with Your Moving Company

When you have made your choice, contact the moving company to confirm and lock in your move date. The sooner this is done, the better, as it is typically “first come, first serve” with the move dates.

Get Ready for Your Moving Estimate

Preparing for a moving estimate doesn’t take long but can make a big difference in ensuring a smooth move. By providing detailed information, being transparent about your needs, and asking questions, you’ll have a clear understanding of what’s involved and a fair expectation of costs. With a bit of preparation, your moving estimate can be the first step toward a stress-free moving experience.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to request a free estimate.

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moving mistakes to avoid

Top 10 Moving Mistakes to Avoid

Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, but it can also be a complex and stressful process. To help you navigate your move easily, we’ve compiled a list of the top moving mistakes to avoid. By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you can ensure a smoother, more organized, and stress-free moving experience.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid When Planning

1. Procrastinating

Mistake: Waiting until the last minute to plan your move.

Solution: Start planning your move as soon as possible. Create a moving checklist, set a deadline for each task, and stick to your timeline. The earlier you start, the more time you have to handle unexpected issues.

2. Underestimating

Mistake: Not realizing how many belongings you actually have to move.

Solution: Take inventory of all your belongings. This will help you understand the scope of your move and prevent you from bringing too much to your new home, which will keep moving costs down.

3. Failing to Declutter

Mistake: Moving everything without decluttering or downsizing.

Solution: Take the time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. This is especially important when downsizing.

4. Not Researching Moving Companies

Mistake: Choosing the first moving company you find without doing proper research.

Solution: Read reviews from previous customers and ask around about the mover. Make certain the company is licensed and insured. Also, be sure to ask them plenty of questions to ensure you feel comfortable with them.

5. Not Taking Measurements

Mistake: Failing to measure furniture and doorways in your new home.

Solution: Make sure to measure any furniture, its intended location, and its access point that might be a tight fit.  Also, have an alternate location ready for items that might be too tight in their originally intended location or may not feel right in the room.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid When Packing

6. Not Labeling Boxes

Mistake: Packing boxes without labeling them or using vague labels.

Solution: Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to on the top and sides. You can take it a step further and use color-coded labels or markers for each room. This speeds up unloading and helps you prioritize what to unpack first.

7. Overpacking/Underpacking Boxes

Mistake: Overfilling boxes, which prevents them from being stackable. Underfilling boxes, which makes make them prone to cave-ins.

Solution: Overpacking: Use smaller boxes for heavy items like books and larger boxes for lighter items like linens. Make sure the box is not so heavy that it will break when lifted, and make sure the box is able to close and is safe to stack on.

Underpacking: Fill boxes to the top to avoid any empty space that will increase the chance of the box caving in.

8. Not Having an Essentials Box

Mistake: Packing all your belongings without setting aside essentials for the first few days in your new home.

Solution: Pack a box with essential items you’ll need immediately, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, medications, and a checkbook. Keep this box/bag in a safe space during the move.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid on Move Day

9. Providing Poor Access

Mistake: Not reserving the elevator or not blocking off parking.

Solution: Reserve any loading dock or elevator needed during your move. If the truck needs to park on the street, try to block off space in front of your home to ensure the best access. Also, be sure to provide enough space for your movers to navigate your home safely when they first arrive.

10. Skipping a Final Walkthrough

Mistake: Leaving your old home without a final walkthrough.

Solution: Before you leave, do a final walkthrough to check every room, closet, and storage area. Ensure that nothing is left behind and that your movers don’t miss anything.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

By avoiding these common moving mistakes, you can make your move more efficient, less stressful, and more wallet-friendly. Remember, preparation and organization are key to a successful move. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to Top Notch Moving. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

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Items a Moving Company Can’t Take

What Items a Moving Company Can’t Take

Are you wondering what items a moving company can’t take? When you’re planning a move, the logistics of packing and transporting your belongings can be overwhelming. Professional moving companies are there to help, ensuring your items are safely transported to your new home. However, certain items cannot be transported by moving companies due to safety, legal, or liability concerns. Understanding these restrictions in advance can save you time and prevent last-minute surprises.

Here’s a guide to help you understand:

  • items that moving companies typically won’t take
  • items that moving companies can take only if certain conditions are met
  • items that you should take, even if the moving company can

Items a Moving Company Won’t Take

1. Hazardous Items

  • Flammables: Gasoline, lighter fluid, matches, oil, and propane tanks pose significant fire hazards and are strictly prohibited. Items containing gasoline, such as lawnmowers, should be run dry or emptied.
  • Chemicals: Paints, stains, paint thinners, and other chemicals can be hazardous and smelly and, if spilled, ruin other items.
  • Combustibles: Aerosol cans and other airtight items can combust when exposed to heat. Most moving companies will take cans when temperatures are low, but soda cans on a hot summer’s day can burst and make a mess on your belongings.
  • Contaminated Items: Items with hazardous material on them, such as mouse droppings or bugs, will not be allowed on the moving truck. These items can contaminate your other belongings, the truck, and the moving pads.

2. Pets

Moving companies cannot transport pets. You’ll need to make separate arrangements to move your furry, feathered, or scaly friends.

Items a Moving Company Won’t Take Unless Certain Conditions Are Met

3. Food

Perishable foods can spoil during transit, leading to unpleasant odors and attracting pests. If you must move food, opt for non-perishable items like canned goods and move the rest yourself or donate them to a food bank.

4. Plants

Many moving companies avoid transporting plants due to their fragility and potential for harboring pests. Additionally, interstate moves often have regulations concerning the transport of plants to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. If you can’t move them yourself, check with your moving company beforehand. Certain conditions must be met for a moving company to take plants.

5. Special Regulations

  • Firearms: Moving firearms requires special handling and legal compliance. Ensure your moving company is aware and compliant with these strict regulations.
  • Vehicles: While some moving companies offer vehicle transport services, it’s not standard for all. So, double-check to confirm they are capable and insured to do so before choosing a mover.

Items You Should Take, Not the Moving Company

6. Items of High Liability

  • Expensive Items: If possible, you should move jewelry, cash, and other high-value items yourself. That way you have the peace of mind that they are moved safely into your new home and not misplaced. When dealing with expensive items you can’t fit in your car, like an antique grandfather clock or a large painting, it is important to look into the moving company and ensure they are insured enough to move the high-value item in case something happens.
  • Irreplaceable Items: Most moving companies can take important documents (like passports and birth certificates) and heirlooms. However, it is recommended that you keep these with you. Again, a moving company can take these, but it may cause you extra stress.

7. Items That Should Be Packed But Aren’t

  •  Loose items: Belongings that were supposed to be packed but aren’t can very easily get lost during the move. For this reason and many others, a moving company won’t take loose items. Some moving companies won’t even take open-top boxes for this reason. If you are unsure how to pack something or will run out of time, reach out to your mover before your move.
  • Fragile Items: It shouldn’t need to be said, but any fragile item that should be in a box but is not, has a slim chance of making it to the next stop. For this reason, some people choose to put difficult-to-pack items like table lamps and/or small art in their personal vehicles. If that is not an option, your movers can pack it the day before or during your move if given notice, so they have the supplies.

Check out our Moving & Packing Tips for great ideas on how to pack your belongings in advance.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

Knowing what items a moving company cannot take ensures a smoother moving process. By preparing accordingly and making alternative arrangements for these restricted items, you can minimize stress and focus on the excitement of settling into your new home. So, be sure to check with your movers in advance so you have time to come up with a plan.

At Top Notch Moving, we are committed to providing you with all the information and support you need for a successful move. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with specific moving needs. Happy moving!

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Moving timeline calendar page

Timeline for Moving to a New House

Everyone wants to know the best moving timeline and when to start the moving process. Unfortunately, there is no cut-and-dry answer. Every move involves a different-sized home, owned by people with different abilities and available time. So, while there is no specific answer, here is a suggested timeline, with each step playing a role in ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition.

1. Start Decluttering Immediately After Deciding to Move

Whenever the decision is made that you are going to be moving, you should instantly start decluttering. Decide what you want to bring and what you don’t need/use anymore. Even if you are moving into a bigger home, there is no excuse for moving items you never use and bringing clutter to your new home.

2. Get Moving Estimates 2–3 Months Before Moving

You should reach out to moving companies for estimates around 2 months before you would like to move. Estimates can always be adjusted through a phone call after a visit if something changes or hasn’t been determined yet. At least this way, the companies will have your info and be prepared to go when you are ready.

This timeframe varies depending on the size of your home and where you are going. If you are going long distance, around 3 months ahead of time is probably better. If you’re moving out of a small apartment or hiring packers, one or one-and-a half months is fine.

If you are deciding between hiring packers or doing it yourself, we have an article that will explain your options and help you decide which one will suit you best.

We also have more in-depth tips articles (including General Moving, Apartment Moving, Senior Living Moving, and Long Distance Moving) that guide you through packing.

3. Start Packing 5–10 Weeks Before Moving

It is crucial to start packing out this far to get a sense of how long it will take to pack up the rest of your belongings. At this stage, begin by packing items that are not frequently used, out-of-season items, and storage items. This will help you make progress and stay organized throughout the packing process.

You should also start thinking of the layout of your new home so you can make decisions on which furniture to bring and finish the decluttering/downsizing process. 

4. Continue Packing 2–4 Weeks Before Moving

Begin packing the rest of the house, from decorations to dishes to clothes. Pack everything non-essential and only leave what you will use for the last few weeks. Again, depending on the size of the home and the time you have available, you may want to start earlier or later. Still, it’s always better to give yourself one more week than you think you need.

5. Finish Packing 1 Week Before Moving

Confirm arrangements with your moving company and finish packing, leaving only essentials for the final days leading up to the move.

6. Complete Final Preparations 1–2 Days Before Moving

Pack your “moving day essentials” box with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. Pack up everything besides what you need to get ready for move-day morning. Then, conduct a final walkthrough of your home to ensure it is ready for the movers and nothing has been overlooked.

7. Moving Day Timeline

Morning: Rise early and pack everything you left out to get ready. Try to leave time to eat a good breakfast, as your day will be very busy, and lunchtime may vary.

Load: When the movers arrive, you will give them a walkthrough of what goes and what stays. After that, you can do as you like while the crew gets to work; just be available to answer any questions.

After the Load: When the load is complete, do a final sweep of each room with the movers to ensure nothing is left behind. The moving crew will then confirm the unload address and notify you if they are grabbing a quick bite to eat or heading straight there.

The Unload: Your only job during the unload is to direct the movers. As they come in, let them know where you would like your furniture, boxes, and other belongings to be placed.

After the Unload: Once the truck is empty, do a final walk-through of your home to ensure everything is where it needs to be and that you are happy with everything. Pending on the movers, you will likely be shown the invoice and can pay on the spot. Then the big day is over. Congratulations!

Top Notch Moving Timeline

Moving day is the culmination of months of planning and preparation. By staying organized and following a timeline, you can ensure a smooth move, saving you money and unnecessary stress.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Top Notch Moving. We are happy to discuss your moving timeline or to help in any way we can.

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spring cleaning move

Fresh Start: How Spring Cleaning Sets the Stage for a Smooth Move

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s refresh and start anew.” As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, many of us feel inspired to do the same in our homes. It’s that time of the year when closets get decluttered, windows get washed, and every nook and cranny gets a thorough scrubbing. Yes, it’s time for spring cleaning!

But have you ever thought about how spring cleaning can also pave the way for a seamless move? As a professional moving company, we’ve witnessed firsthand the benefits of a thorough spring cleaning session before you pack up and relocate. Let’s delve into how spring cleaning can make your moving process smoother and more efficient.

5 Ways Spring Cleaning Helps with Your Move

1. Decluttering Leads to Lighter Loads

One of the fundamental aspects of spring cleaning is decluttering. It’s about sorting through your belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. By decluttering before your move, you’re essentially lightening your load. You’ll have fewer items to pack and transport, which translates to less time spent packing and unpacking, as well as lower moving costs.

2. Organized Spaces, Organized Mind

A clean and organized living space not only looks visually appealing but also contributes to a sense of clarity and calmness. When you embark on spring cleaning, you’re not just tidying up; you’re creating an environment that fosters mental clarity and reduces stress. Plus, when it’s time to move, your house will be photo-ready to put on the market, and you’ll have ample space for packing all those boxes.

3. Identifying Items Needing Repair or Replacement

As you deep clean your home during spring cleaning, you’re likely to come across items that need attention. Whether it’s a piece of furniture that requires repair, stains on rugs, or household essentials that need replacing, spring cleaning offers an opportunity to take stock of these things. Addressing these issues before you move ensures that you’re not bringing any unnecessary burdens to your new home.

4. Maximize Efficiency During Packing

When you’ve thoroughly cleaned and organized your home, packing becomes a more systematic process. You’ll know exactly where everything is, making it easier to pack similar items together and label boxes accordingly. Plus, you’ll avoid the last-minute scramble to pack belongings, reducing the likelihood of items getting misplaced or damaged during the move.

5. Setting the Stage for a Fresh Start

Spring is often associated with new beginnings, and what better way to embrace that sentiment than by starting fresh in your new home? By conducting a comprehensive spring cleaning session before your move, you’re not just tidying up; you’re preparing yourself mentally and physically for the next chapter in your life.

Prepare for a Top Notch Move after Spring Cleaning

At Top Notch Moving, we understand the importance of a smooth and stress-free moving experience. By incorporating spring cleaning into your moving preparations, you’re not only ensuring a seamless transition to your new home but also laying the foundation for a clutter-free and organized living space.

As you embark on your spring cleaning journey, remember that every scrub, sweep, and decluttering decision brings you one step closer to a fresh start. And when it’s time to make that move, you can count on Top Notch Moving to help you every step of the way. Please feel free to contact us or request a free estimate!

Here’s to new beginnings and the joy of a clean, organized home!

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packed and labeled boxes to speed up move

How to Speed Up Your Move

One question people commonly ask is, “What can I do to help speed up the move?” For some, this is a matter of finances; the more quickly the job gets done, the less you pay. Others just feel bad about how much stuff they have and want to help.

Whether you’re concerned about being cost-efficient or you feel a need to help, here are some tips on how you can best assist the crew before and during the move to help them finish faster.

How to Speed Up Your Move Before Moving Day

Be 100% packed.

First and foremost is packing. Being 100% packed is the biggest help and time saver of all. Anything that can go in a box should go in a box. This is the first thing you should do, and it should be done even if you aren’t concerned about how to speed up your move.

Disassemble large items.

Take apart (and later reassemble) anything that can’t be safely transported or fit through the house doorways. This is another big timesaver. The moving crew can do this for you, but it will speed things up if you choose to do it.

Tape loose items.

Loose items that can’t be boxed can be easier to handle if they are taped up. For example, bind together rakes, brooms, shovels, and things of that nature. You can even bind together bed slats or folding chairs. If they’re not too heavy, they can be easier to carry and transport when they’re taped together.

Remove shelves.

Removing loose wooden or glass shelves from bookcases, display cases, etc., is also helpful. Be sure to gather and tape down any pegs holding the shelves that may fall out during transportation. If you have the proper supplies, you can take it further by padding or wrapping up the shelves so they are ready to go on the truck instantly.

Wrap up cords.

Small things like wrapping up cords can add up to save time. Being able to pick up electric devices (TVs, lamps, etc.) without having to prep will save the movers a step.

Label boxes and furniture.

In addition to labeling boxes, you can also label your furniture. Write clearly where it goes or if it stays. This may save the movers from asking again for clarification. It’s worth noting this helps the load, but the movers may still need your help on the unload to know exactly where the piece goes in said room.

Prepare the best possible access.

One thing people overlook is access. This can include taking down a baby/dog gate that could get in the way, or even trimming back an overgrown bush. This is definitely appreciated.

It can also be a big timesaver to remove banisters or doors that could obstruct the movers. If you recall having to remove them when moving in, or if you think it might be a tight fit, take measurements to see if they need to be taken down. This saves the moving crew the time of doing it themselves.

Even if items fit, taking off a door for smoother flow might make sense. For example, perhaps a basement door opens into a hallway and blocks it when open. Or maybe a front door blocks a staircase, causing you to have to open and close it with every pass. Removing these kinds of doors might be a good idea. The movers may do this or just battle through it, as it is only a minor nuisance. But it is appreciated if you would like to go above and beyond.

Stage items for convenient access.

Moving items so they are easier to grab for the movers is a great way to speed up the process. If there are things in an attic or tucked away somewhere, pulling them out can help. Some customers have gone as far as collecting all the boxes and moving them to the front door for a quicker load.

How to Speed Up Your Move on Moving Day

Transport certain items yourself.  

Moving some fragile or more complicated items in your own vehicle is a productive way to shave some time off. This is usually done by people who are concerned about a specific item or concerned about the bill. Either way, it can take the movers some time to find or create a safe place for the item so that it doesn’t take up more space than necessary in the truck. For this reason, some people find it preferable to take it themselves.

Make arrangements for pets.

While many movers love their pets, they can hinder moving. It may be best to make arrangements for their safety and the movers. Pets that hide in the bathroom or wherever tend to be okay. It is actually the well-behaved, over-friendly pets that can pose a tripping hazard or get in the way of the movers.

Prepare parking space for moving truck.

It’s best to move your cars out of the driveway or street before the truck arrives. Ensuring your neighbors do the same when the truck needs to park in the street may be the real challenge. Talking to your neighbors or blocking off the area in front of your house the night before your moving day are all options that have worked to ensure the truck can get to the ideal spot. If  you have a question about where the truck will park and how much space it needs, ask the person who provided your moving estimates.

Be available.

During the load, there is not much you can do if you are properly prepared. It is best to give the movers space and let them do their thing. However, try to be available for any questions that may pop up.

During the unload, you should try to stand by the front door to direct the movers where to put furniture and instruct how to position the items coming in. Try to refrain from unpacking and doing other tasks. It may seem unproductive to stand there waiting for a mover to come in, but if the mover has to call you and wait for you to return to the front, this will result in a longer move or possibly items being put in the wrong place.

Speed Up Your Move with Top Notch Professional Movers and Packers

Hopefully, these tips will guide your efforts to make your move as fast and smooth as possible. While some of the points might seem obvious, others are commonly forgotten or overlooked, and some might seem like you are doing the mover’s job for them. While you’re certainly not expected to handle any of the crew’s responsibilities, if you insist on helping or are on a budget, following these tips is how you can speed up your move.

If you have any questions on these points, or if you have any moving questions in general, feel free to reach out to Top Notch Moving. We are happy to help in any way we can. We are also happy to provide you with a free estimate.

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long open road in the desert

6 Tips for Long-Distance Moves

A long-distance move can be a big undertaking with many moving parts. Whether you’re a cross-country veteran or a first-time mover, things can get stressful. Top Notch Moving has been doing long-distance moves for over 25 years, so we are well-versed on the topic. This blog post has important long-distance move tips to help you prepare for your transition. (We recommend you still read our tips for general moving if you haven’t already).

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New empty apartment interior

6 Tips for an Apartment or Condo Move

Moving into and/or out of an apartment or condo can be exciting and challenging. Whether you’re relocating to a new place, upgrading to a larger space, or downsizing, careful planning and organization can make the process much smoother. Here are 6 valuable apartment moving tips to help you navigate the transition successfully.

1. Plan Ahead

Moving in or out of an apartment comes with its own set of unique tasks. By planning ahead and creating a detailed moving timeline, you can ensure a seamless, stress-free transition come move day. The list of tasks should include things like decluttering, packing, notifying utilities, changing addresses, coordinating with your building, etc.

Remember that procrastinating will only raise your stress as your move date quickly approaches. If your schedule is too busy or the list is too long to complete, feel free to ask for additional help from professionals, like a downsizing or packing service.

2. Declutter and Downsize

You can enjoy a stress-free move and spacious living environment by decluttering and downsizing your possessions. Go through each room and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Less things means less packing and unpacking, which saves time, effort, and money.

Countless times, we’ve watched people pay to have unnecessary items moved. They bring furniture they are still undecided about or “want” but have no idea where it will fit in their new place. These items end up thrown away due to lack of space or don’t work with the layout. Most apartment complexes have a detailed floor plan online for you to get an idea of what can go where and what won’t fit.

3. Pack Strategically

To efficiently pack for your move, begin early, tackling one room at a time. It’s important to stay focused. If your mind wanders, try setting a timer to keep yourself on track or snap yourself out of distraction. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to safeguard your belongings. Clearly label each box’s destination to ensure movers deliver boxes to the appropriate room.

When moving to or from an apartment, keep in mind that the loading dock may be far away. It’s best to consolidate your items to minimize the number of trips. Additionally, apartments often have tight turns or small elevators; it is helpful to remove any shelves or items from your furniture ahead of time. This will save time and make it easier for the movers to maneuver the piece as needed.

4. Prepare a Personal Bag

Anything you need or want to keep close during the move should be in the bag or suitcase. Pack things you may need to access throughout the day, like medication, a checkbook, personal effects, and important documents.

While your belongings are safe with us, we understand the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where certain items are if they are in your own vehicle and instantly accessible. Moving companies should be more than happy to load your personal effects in your car if you didn’t get the chance or if it is heavier than you thought.

5. Hire Professional Movers

Enlisting the help of a reputable moving company can relieve significant stress. Professional movers have the expertise and equipment to handle your belongings more safely and efficiently. Most apartment or condo complexes are familiar with a moving company and are happy to provide recommendations. Some buildings require a certificate of insurance, so be sure to convey if your movers need to send any information prior to the move.

6. Communicate Effectively

Everyone should be on the same page to ensure a smooth and successful move. Be sure to let the building manager know when your moving crew will arrive so they can direct them where to park or lock off the elevator if necessary. When the crew arrives, the initial step is to perform a walk-through. Ask questions and let the moving crew know about any concerns.

Communication between the household is just as important. During the unload, one person cannot direct everyone at once. So, having more than one person know where your belongings go will be greatly beneficial and will save the moving crew time and you money.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

Moving into or out of an apartment building or a condominium can have a lot of little pieces to it. By breaking down the move into smaller, manageable tasks, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure nothing important falls through the cracks. By following these apartment moving tips, such as planning, organization, and communication, you can make your move a smoother and more successful experience.

We hope these apartment moving tips have been helpful. Please reach out to Top Notch Moving if you have a specific concern or question. We are happy to help in any way.

Wishing you the best with your move,

Top Notch Moving and Storage logo with tagline We're True to Our Name Apartment Moving Tips

6 Tips for Moving into a Senior Living Community

Moving into a senior living community is a significant life change that can bring many emotions. Whether you’re downsizing, seeking more social interaction, or looking for better support, making this transition smooth and stress-free is important. As you’re transitioning into a senior living community, here are 6 valuable moving tips to help you navigate the process with ease.

1. Plan Ahead

Moving requires thorough planning. Even if your move is not imminent, planning ahead for senior living can greatly benefit you and your loved ones down the road. By acting now, you can gain a significant advantage and ensure a seamless, stress-free transition when the time comes.

Create a detailed moving timeline that includes tasks like downsizing, packing, notifying utilities, changing addresses, coordinating with your senior living community, etc. If you need help determining where to begin, senior living communities may have a coordinator you can talk to. They may also have a downsizing and packing company they recommend to help you through the journey.

2. Declutter and Downsize

You can enjoy a stress-free move and spacious living environment by decluttering and downsizing your possessions. Go through each room and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Less things means less packing and unpacking, saving time, effort, and money.

Countless times, we’ve watched people pay to have unnecessary items moved. They bring furniture they are still undecided about or “want” but have no idea where it will fit in their new place. These items end up thrown away due to lack of space or don’t work with the layout.

Most senior living communities have a detailed floor plan online for you to get an idea of what can go where and what won’t fit. Doing all this will significantly simplify your move and make it safer and easier to move around.

3. Pack Strategically

To efficiently pack for your move, begin early, tackling one room at a time. It’s important to stay focused. If your mind wanders, try setting a timer to keep yourself on track or snap yourself out of distraction. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to safeguard your belongings. Clearly label each box’s destination to ensure movers deliver boxes to the appropriate rooms.

4. Prepare a Personal Bag

Anything you need or want to keep close during the move should be in the bag or suitcase. Pack things you may need to access throughout the day, like medication, a checkbook, personal effects, and important documents.

While your belongings are safe with us, we understand the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where certain items are if they are in your own vehicle and instantly accessible. Moving companies should be more than happy to load your personal effects in your car if you didn’t get the chance or if it is heavier than you thought.

5. Hire Professional Movers

Enlisting the help of a reputable moving company can relieve significant stress. Professional movers have the expertise and equipment to handle your belongings more safely and efficiently. Most communities are happy to provide recommendations. You can also ask residents or your realtor for suggestions. Some senior living communities require a certificate of insurance, so be sure to convey if your movers need to send any information prior to the move.

6. Communicate Effectively

Everyone should be on the same page to ensure a smooth and successful move. When the crew arrives, the initial step is to perform a walk-through. Ask questions and let the moving crew know about any concerns or obstacles, whether it be a dresser with a bad leg or a tight doorway at the new place.

Communication between family is just as important. It is helpful if a spouse or child is told where everything goes beforehand so they can help direct the movers during the unload if your mobility is an issue or you become preoccupied.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

Moving into a senior living community can be the start of great new experiences and connections. By breaking down the move into smaller, manageable tasks, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure nothing important falls through the cracks. Through planning, organization, and communication, you can make the transition a smooth one.

We hope these tips for moving into a senior living community have been helpful to you. Please reach out to Top Notch Moving if you have a specific concern or question. We are happy to help in any way.

Wishing you the best with your move,

Top Notch Moving and Storage logo with tagline We're True to Our Name Moving Tips Senior Living Community
Moving fragile items through a packed room

6 Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Day

Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it’s no secret the process can also be quite stressful. We’ve compiled a list of 6 moving tips to help make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible. Every move is different, but by following these generalized guidelines, you can focus on the excitement of your new chapter without unnecessary worry.

1. Plan Ahead

The key to a successful move is careful planning. Create a detailed moving timeline that includes tasks like packing, notifying utilities, changing addresses, coordinating with your moving company, etc. Remember that procrastinating will only raise your stress as your move date quickly approaches. Be aware of your limitations. If your schedule is too busy or the list is too long for you to complete, don’t be afraid to ask for additional help from professionals, like a downsizing or packing service.

2. Declutter Before Packing

Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter your belongings. Go through each room and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Less clutter means less packing and unpacking, which saves time, effort, and money. Paying movers to move something you may throw away later or don’t have the space for is silly. Ensuring you have the time to go through things before packing is the best way to help yourself and the movers.

3. Pack Strategically

To efficiently pack for your move, begin early, tackling one room at a time. It’s important to stay focused. If your mind wanders, try setting a timer to keep yourself on track or snap yourself out of distraction. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to safeguard your belongings. Clearly label each box’s destination to ensure movers deliver boxes to the appropriate room.

4. Prepare a Personal Bag

Contents of a personal bag or suitcase will vary depending on whether your move is one day or multiple days, but the premise is the same. Anything you need or want to keep close during the move should be in the bag or suitcase. Pack things you may need to access throughout the day, like medication, a checkbook, personal effects, and important documents.

While your belongings are safe with us, we understand the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where certain items are if they are in your own vehicle and instantly accessible. Moving companies should be more than happy to load your personal effects in your car if you didn’t get the chance or if it is heavier than you thought.

5. Hire Professional Movers

Enlisting the help of a reputable moving company can relieve significant stress. Professional movers have the expertise and equipment to handle your belongings more safely and efficiently. Be diligent by checking reviews and asking a friend or realtor for recommendations. Realtors usually have one or two companies they strongly recommend, or at least one to avoid.

During your estimate, ask more than the basic questions. Ask the deeper, tougher questions, i.e., how they handle damage claims or how they find their employees. There are many business models, and while there is no right or wrong business model, a company should take pride in its image. It’s a tough line of work, so there’s a premium for educated, clean-cut workers. Unfortunately, the most reliable and trustworthy moving companies aren’t the cheapest. Like most things, you get what you pay for. If you’re stuck with damaged furniture and scratched walls, you will probably agree that the cheapest option was the wrong one.

6. Communicate Effectively

For a successful move, it’s essential for everyone to be on the same page. When the crew arrives, the initial step is to perform a walk-through. Ask questions and let the moving crew know about any concerns or obstacles, whether it be a dresser with a bad leg or a tight doorway at the new house.

Communication within the household is also key. During the unload, one person cannot direct everyone at once. So, having more than one person know where your belongings go will be greatly beneficial and will save the moving crew time and you money.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

In summation, a stress-free moving day is achievable with proper planning, organization, and communication. Following these moving tips will make your transition to your new home as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Our goal is to make our guidelines suitable for everyone.

If you are interested in more moving tips, we have posted a few specific scenarios that will reiterate and give more relevant and detailed insight into different circumstances, i.e., moves to senior living communities, apartment moves, etc.

Please reach out to Top Notch Moving if you have a specific concern or question. We are happy to help in any way.

Wishing you the best with your move,

Top Notch Moving and Storage logo with tagline We're True to Our Name Moving Tips