moving mistakes to avoid

Top 10 Moving Mistakes to Avoid

Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, but it can also be a complex and stressful process. To help you navigate your move easily, we’ve compiled a list of the top moving mistakes to avoid. By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you can ensure a smoother, more organized, and stress-free moving experience.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid When Planning

1. Procrastinating

Mistake: Waiting until the last minute to plan your move.

Solution: Start planning your move as soon as possible. Create a moving checklist, set a deadline for each task, and stick to your timeline. The earlier you start, the more time you have to handle unexpected issues.

2. Underestimating

Mistake: Not realizing how many belongings you actually have to move.

Solution: Take inventory of all your belongings. This will help you understand the scope of your move and prevent you from bringing too much to your new home, which will keep moving costs down.

3. Failing to Declutter

Mistake: Moving everything without decluttering or downsizing.

Solution: Take the time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. This is especially important when downsizing.

4. Not Researching Moving Companies

Mistake: Choosing the first moving company you find without doing proper research.

Solution: Read reviews from previous customers and ask around about the mover. Make certain the company is licensed and insured. Also, be sure to ask them plenty of questions to ensure you feel comfortable with them.

5. Not Taking Measurements

Mistake: Failing to measure furniture and doorways in your new home.

Solution: Make sure to measure any furniture, its intended location, and its access point that might be a tight fit.  Also, have an alternate location ready for items that might be too tight in their originally intended location or may not feel right in the room.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid When Packing

6. Not Labeling Boxes

Mistake: Packing boxes without labeling them or using vague labels.

Solution: Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to on the top and sides. You can take it a step further and use color-coded labels or markers for each room. This speeds up unloading and helps you prioritize what to unpack first.

7. Overpacking/Underpacking Boxes

Mistake: Overfilling boxes, which prevents them from being stackable. Underfilling boxes, which makes make them prone to cave-ins.

Solution: Overpacking: Use smaller boxes for heavy items like books and larger boxes for lighter items like linens. Make sure the box is not so heavy that it will break when lifted, and make sure the box is able to close and is safe to stack on.

Underpacking: Fill boxes to the top to avoid any empty space that will increase the chance of the box caving in.

8. Not Having an Essentials Box

Mistake: Packing all your belongings without setting aside essentials for the first few days in your new home.

Solution: Pack a box with essential items you’ll need immediately, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, medications, and a checkbook. Keep this box/bag in a safe space during the move.

Moving Mistakes to Avoid on Move Day

9. Providing Poor Access

Mistake: Not reserving the elevator or not blocking off parking.

Solution: Reserve any loading dock or elevator needed during your move. If the truck needs to park on the street, try to block off space in front of your home to ensure the best access. Also, be sure to provide enough space for your movers to navigate your home safely when they first arrive.

10. Skipping a Final Walkthrough

Mistake: Leaving your old home without a final walkthrough.

Solution: Before you leave, do a final walkthrough to check every room, closet, and storage area. Ensure that nothing is left behind and that your movers don’t miss anything.

Have a Top Notch Moving Experience

By avoiding these common moving mistakes, you can make your move more efficient, less stressful, and more wallet-friendly. Remember, preparation and organization are key to a successful move. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to Top Notch Moving. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

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