packed and labeled boxes to speed up move

How to Speed Up Your Move

One question people commonly ask is, “What can I do to help speed up the move?” For some, this is a matter of finances; the more quickly the job gets done, the less you pay. Others just feel bad about how much stuff they have and want to help.

Whether you’re concerned about being cost-efficient or you feel a need to help, here are some tips on how you can best assist the crew before and during the move to help them finish faster.

How to Speed Up Your Move Before Moving Day

Be 100% packed.

First and foremost is packing. Being 100% packed is the biggest help and time saver of all. Anything that can go in a box should go in a box. This is the first thing you should do, and it should be done even if you aren’t concerned about how to speed up your move.

Disassemble large items.

Take apart (and later reassemble) anything that can’t be safely transported or fit through the house doorways. This is another big timesaver. The moving crew can do this for you, but it will speed things up if you choose to do it.

Tape loose items.

Loose items that can’t be boxed can be easier to handle if they are taped up. For example, bind together rakes, brooms, shovels, and things of that nature. You can even bind together bed slats or folding chairs. If they’re not too heavy, they can be easier to carry and transport when they’re taped together.

Remove shelves.

Removing loose wooden or glass shelves from bookcases, display cases, etc., is also helpful. Be sure to gather and tape down any pegs holding the shelves that may fall out during transportation. If you have the proper supplies, you can take it further by padding or wrapping up the shelves so they are ready to go on the truck instantly.

Wrap up cords.

Small things like wrapping up cords can add up to save time. Being able to pick up electric devices (TVs, lamps, etc.) without having to prep will save the movers a step.

Label boxes and furniture.

In addition to labeling boxes, you can also label your furniture. Write clearly where it goes or if it stays. This may save the movers from asking again for clarification. It’s worth noting this helps the load, but the movers may still need your help on the unload to know exactly where the piece goes in said room.

Prepare the best possible access.

One thing people overlook is access. This can include taking down a baby/dog gate that could get in the way, or even trimming back an overgrown bush. This is definitely appreciated.

It can also be a big timesaver to remove banisters or doors that could obstruct the movers. If you recall having to remove them when moving in, or if you think it might be a tight fit, take measurements to see if they need to be taken down. This saves the moving crew the time of doing it themselves.

Even if items fit, taking off a door for smoother flow might make sense. For example, perhaps a basement door opens into a hallway and blocks it when open. Or maybe a front door blocks a staircase, causing you to have to open and close it with every pass. Removing these kinds of doors might be a good idea. The movers may do this or just battle through it, as it is only a minor nuisance. But it is appreciated if you would like to go above and beyond.

Stage items for convenient access.

Moving items so they are easier to grab for the movers is a great way to speed up the process. If there are things in an attic or tucked away somewhere, pulling them out can help. Some customers have gone as far as collecting all the boxes and moving them to the front door for a quicker load.

How to Speed Up Your Move on Moving Day

Transport certain items yourself.  

Moving some fragile or more complicated items in your own vehicle is a productive way to shave some time off. This is usually done by people who are concerned about a specific item or concerned about the bill. Either way, it can take the movers some time to find or create a safe place for the item so that it doesn’t take up more space than necessary in the truck. For this reason, some people find it preferable to take it themselves.

Make arrangements for pets.

While many movers love their pets, they can hinder moving. It may be best to make arrangements for their safety and the movers. Pets that hide in the bathroom or wherever tend to be okay. It is actually the well-behaved, over-friendly pets that can pose a tripping hazard or get in the way of the movers.

Prepare parking space for moving truck.

It’s best to move your cars out of the driveway or street before the truck arrives. Ensuring your neighbors do the same when the truck needs to park in the street may be the real challenge. Talking to your neighbors or blocking off the area in front of your house the night before your moving day are all options that have worked to ensure the truck can get to the ideal spot. If  you have a question about where the truck will park and how much space it needs, ask the person who provided your moving estimates.

Be available.

During the load, there is not much you can do if you are properly prepared. It is best to give the movers space and let them do their thing. However, try to be available for any questions that may pop up.

During the unload, you should try to stand by the front door to direct the movers where to put furniture and instruct how to position the items coming in. Try to refrain from unpacking and doing other tasks. It may seem unproductive to stand there waiting for a mover to come in, but if the mover has to call you and wait for you to return to the front, this will result in a longer move or possibly items being put in the wrong place.

Speed Up Your Move with Top Notch Professional Movers and Packers

Hopefully, these tips will guide your efforts to make your move as fast and smooth as possible. While some of the points might seem obvious, others are commonly forgotten or overlooked, and some might seem like you are doing the mover’s job for them. While you’re certainly not expected to handle any of the crew’s responsibilities, if you insist on helping or are on a budget, following these tips is how you can speed up your move.

If you have any questions on these points, or if you have any moving questions in general, feel free to reach out to Top Notch Moving. We are happy to help in any way we can. We are also happy to provide you with a free estimate.

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